Judaism Has Some Seriously Dangerous Zionist Ultranationalists

Let The Blood Bath Begin

The content discusses the efforts of ultranationalist Jews to replace the Al-Aqsa Mosque with a “Third Temple” in Jerusalem, going against traditional Jewish scholarship. It also touches on the significance of sacrificial rituals in Judaism and the potential consequences of pursuing this path. The writer expresses skepticism towards the idea and foresees potential conflicts.

Tear Down The Flag? Raise Up The Watermelon!

Flag banned? Find an Alternative

“The watermelon slice has become a symbol of Palestinian support because its colors—red, black, white, and green—correspond to the colors of the Palestinian flag. This symbolism emerged after the Six-Day War in 1967 when Israel seized control of the West Bank and Gaza, and annexed East Jerusalem. The Israeli government made public displays of the… Continue reading Tear Down The Flag? Raise Up The Watermelon!

If This Isn’t Ethnic Cleansing It’s Damn Close

All we need is for country to let the animals in

War on Gaza: Netanyahu ‘suggests new US-built port could help deport Palestinians’

In a galactic case of Deja vu Netanyahu also purportedly said that the only remaining obstacle was finding countries to accept them. Wasn’t there a similar problem for another semitic group that the Nazis wanted to get rid of not so long ago?