Do I really have the energy for 2 blogs?

Do I need to do this?

The only honest answer is that I just don’t know!

So, I’ll give it a try but I make no promises.

I’ll be blogging about my stumbling, bumbling, mumbling walk in these the final few years, days, hours, minutes of my life.

Which is not to say it will be an ‘oh woe is me’ blog. Most days I’ll be ranting and roaring about what I believe are things worth ranting and raving about.

It Be A Slow Walk

Every Journey Has An Ending

It’s been a journey of 73 years. Sometimes it has been a sprint, other times it has been a marathon. Now it’s a slow walk. usually with two canes. If I live long enough it will be wheelchair and electric scooter time. When that time comes, I’ll change the title.

No Trust / No Peace

Without trust the train of Peace becomes a train wreck

 6.—“No state at war with another shall countenance such modes of hostility as would make mutual confidence impossible in a subsequent state of peace: such are the employment of assassins (percussores) or of poisoners (venefici),

For Reasons Unknown My Tumbler Account Has Been Terminated

Pay Attention

Perhaps, though I have no way to prove it, my strong pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim, pro-Jewish, pro-Peace, anti-Zionist stance was enough to get my Tumbler account terminated? Whatever the reason for my termination, I wish Tumbler well. Brian   

Judaism Has Some Seriously Dangerous Zionist Ultranationalists

Let The Blood Bath Begin

The content discusses the efforts of ultranationalist Jews to replace the Al-Aqsa Mosque with a “Third Temple” in Jerusalem, going against traditional Jewish scholarship. It also touches on the significance of sacrificial rituals in Judaism and the potential consequences of pursuing this path. The writer expresses skepticism towards the idea and foresees potential conflicts.

It’s Getting To Be Chili Pepper Hot Here

It's A Nightmare

Last night about midnight I went out to check the water levels in the ponds. I suppose I was outside for about 15 minutes. As I sat down the sweat was forming on my body.

This is remarkable for one simple reason: for most of the last 20+ years the temperature has fallen to near 22C. at night. Now it seems to be staying a lot closer to the daytime high, and that’s getting higher. Which is why I was checking the water level in the ponds. It’s hotter and drier than it historically has been and we’re living through a drought.

Workaround Changed To Match The New Reality

Which one now?

For years it was a simple routine. Monday morning I’d load up my pill box. It took all of five minutes to guaranty that all I needed to do was to look in my pill box to make sure that I was up to date on my daily pill intake.

Now, with my memory and my focus acting up it just doesn’t work. Example, this morning when I took my pre breakfast insulin I noticed that I hadn’t taken it yesterday. I had taken two others pills but my insulin had just slipped out of my world.

Missing my insulin for a day won’t do me any irreparable harm but it surely isn’t good for me. Possible workaround is to have my smart phone give me a mid-morning alert. And indeed, I have set it up. But what happens if I forget both my insulin and to turn on my cell phone?

As Oliver was fond of saying, ‘before you shoot your last arrow best make sure you’ve got a rock in your back pocket!’ So, I’m going to change Edge’s homepage. Starting today it will be my calendar with all of my pill times highlighted. Should solve the problem for now.