For Reasons Unknown My Tumbler Account Has Been Terminated

Pay Attention

Perhaps, though I have no way to prove it, my strong pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim, pro-Jewish, pro-Peace, anti-Zionist stance was enough to get my Tumbler account terminated? Whatever the reason for my termination, I wish Tumbler well. Brian   

It Be A Slow Walk

Every Journey Has An Ending

It’s been a journey of 73 years. Sometimes it has been a sprint, other times it has been a marathon. Now it’s a slow walk. usually with two canes. If I live long enough it will be wheelchair and electric scooter time. When that time comes, I’ll change the title.

A Little Known Truth

Our Blood Our Land

What I hope you will consider is just how absurd it is to call a Pro-Palestinian Person an antisemite. What this Pro-Palestinian Person is, is Anti-Zionism. Zionism is a political movement based upon a perceived right for the Jewish people to return to what Zionism considers to be the Jewish Promised Land. What Zionists see… Continue reading A Little Known Truth