Do I really have the energy for 2 blogs?

Do I need to do this?

The only honest answer is that I just don’t know!

So, I’ll give it a try but I make no promises.

I’ll be blogging about my stumbling, bumbling, mumbling walk in these the final few years, days, hours, minutes of my life.

Which is not to say it will be an ‘oh woe is me’ blog. Most days I’ll be ranting and roaring about what I believe are things worth ranting and raving about.

It Be A Slow Walk

Every Journey Has An Ending

It’s been a journey of 73 years. Sometimes it has been a sprint, other times it has been a marathon. Now it’s a slow walk. usually with two canes. If I live long enough it will be wheelchair and electric scooter time. When that time comes, I’ll change the title.

Jesus The Ultimate Janus

Jesus The Ultimate Janus

Since the 4th century it has been Christianity 101 that Jesus was both perfectly God and perfectly Human. For the lay woman or man, the exact details have always been a bit blurry. Allow me to put forward my understanding. And please remember that I’m not trying to convert or persuade. I’m simply putting what I think… Continue reading Jesus The Ultimate Janus

The Season Of The Goddess

the Holder Of Life

Not the politicians and robber barons. This is the season of honoring the Divine Feminine Copilot, hereby given the honored title of ‘Librarian First Class’ found me the following list. A list neither exclusive nor exhaustive but definitely interesting. “Let’s explore some of the historic celebrations held during the Spring Equinox in both the Northern… Continue reading The Season Of The Goddess