Love Is Universal

If you play the Chosen card from a position of power, you of necessity oppress the unclean. If you play the same card from a position of weakness you will inevitably be oppressed.
If you play the Chosen card from a position of power, you of necessity oppress the unclean. If you play the same card from a position of weakness you will inevitably be oppressed. Peace flows from Joyous Diversity Unless Arabs and Jews can walk together as equals in one state what is now called the Holy Land will be renamed: The Unholy Land. Since the horror of October 7, I have listened to debate after debate. They all boiled down to lone simple belief. It’s all their fault. So, perhaps it is time to stop looking backwards to lay blame? Shouldn’t we all begin to look forward to a vision of peace and sustainable development in the Holy Land? A State where Jew, Islamist and Christian coexist as equals. Where to whom you pray doesn’t matter but what you pray for does. It is not too late. All sides can still repent and turn to Peace, Justice, Mercy, and humility for all. Brian
Peace flows from Joyous Diversity

Unless Arabs and Jews can walk together as equals in one state, what is now called the Holy Land will be renamed: The Unholy Land.

Since the horror of October 7, I have listened to debate after debate. They all boiled down to one simple belief.

It’s all their fault.

So, perhaps it is time to stop looking backwards to lay blame? Shouldn’t we all begin to look forward to a vision of peace and sustainable development in the Holy Land?

A State where Jew, Islamist and Christian coexist as equals. Where to whom you pray doesn’t matter but what you pray for does.

It is not too late. All sides can still repent and turn to Peace, Justice, Mercy, and humility for all.


Do I really have the energy for 2 blogs?

Do I need to do this?

The only honest answer is that I just don’t know!

So, I’ll give it a try but I make no promises.

I’ll be blogging about my stumbling, bumbling, mumbling walk in these the final few years, days, hours, minutes of my life.

Which is not to say it will be an ‘oh woe is me’ blog. Most days I’ll be ranting and roaring about what I believe are things worth ranting and raving about.

No Trust / No Peace

Without trust the train of Peace becomes a train wreck

 6.—“No state at war with another shall countenance such modes of hostility as would make mutual confidence impossible in a subsequent state of peace: such are the employment of assassins (percussores) or of poisoners (venefici),

Master And Commander

The Task Master

The exercise bike has gone from needed tool to master and commander. Admittedly a master and commander that I receive great benefit from but still and all a master and commander.

But, as the wise old woman said ‘you can’t eat your cake and have it too’. For better mental and physical health I’ll knuckle my brow to the master and commander!